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11th Baltic and Nordic Energy Summit

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > 11th Baltic and Nordic Energy Summit

In recognition of the increasingly interconnected energy markets, the 2019 Summit will be expanding to include the Nordic region, thus creating the new Baltic and Nordic Energy Summit. Now in its 11th year, this market leading business-focused Summit brings together energy sector thought leaders to debate the future policy framework, market dynamics and investment opportunities in the region.

Topics on the 2019 agenda include:

  • Progress on the ITC Agreement and tariff models for the common gas market
  • Technology-neutral, subsidy-free renewable energy auctions in the region
  • Electricity market synchronisation with Central Europe
  • National Energy Climate Plans: new directives and support schemes across the region
  • Opportunities and national rules in renewable gas markets
  • Sector coupling and the scaling up of power-to-gas

35+ Speaker line up include:

  • Hando Sutter, Chairman of the Management Board, Eesti Energia
  • Andrus Liivand, CEO, Chairman of the Management Board, Elektrum Eesti
  • Taavi Veskimägi, Chairman of the Board and CEO, Elering
  • Andrius Smaliukas, CEO, BALTPOOL
  • Gatis Junghāns, Member of the Board, AST
  • Herkko Plit, CEO, Baltic Connector
  • Janis Bethers, CEO, Enefit SIA
  • Gerhard Bookjans, Chief Operations Officer, IFE Eriksen
  • Alessandro Boschi, Head of Renewable Energy, EIB
  • Christian Holzleitner, Head of Unit, DG Climat
  • Dr Laura Huomo, Energy and Capital Markets Counsel, Roschier
  • Simon-Erik Ollus, Vice President, Trading and Asset Optimisation, Fortum
  • Krisjanis Baidekalns, Deputy CEO, AJ Power Holding
  • Vytautas Ruolia, Commercial Director, Amber Grid
  • Paulius Gineitis, Head Baltic Operations, Division Trading and Sales, ČEZ
  • Kjetil Wilhelmsen, Business Development Director, Northern Lights (Equinor, Shell, Total)
    and more…


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