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16th World Copper Conference

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > 16th World Copper Conference

CRU’s World Copper Conference will be held during CESCO Week Chile from the 3-5 April 2017. These partnered events provide the most important commercial and networking opportunities in the industry.

Who attends?
Over 475 senior executives, including the most influential copper market CEO’s from 35 countries, will convene at this crucial inflection point for the copper industry. Delegates and speakers at the CRU World Copper Conference are amongst the most knowledgeable participants in the market and an important source of opinion on the myriad of issues that could influence the market.

Why will the CRU World Copper Conference 2017 be so important?
By the time of the 2017 Conference, the industry will be embarking on the road to recovery.
After a five year period of strong growth in mine supply, a lack of new projects will be the main catalyst behind a price recovery and deficits later this decade and into the early 20’s.
The market is already showing signs of tightening and downside risks are decreasing. Upside risks will dominate the outlook in the short- and long-term and key questions that will need to be answered include will the SRB take advantage of 2017 prices to make additional purchases and how much copper do they have? Also, how will the growth in electric vehicle ownership, particularly in China, affect the copper market?

Much of next year’s surplus will be concentrated into the first quarter due to the Chinese New Year, and a much more balanced market is expected from April onwards making the timing of the conference perfect to help you plan for the remainder of 2017 and beyond.


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