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19th International Automobile Recycling Congress IARC 2019

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > 19th International Automobile Recycling Congress IARC 2019

The congress is a platform to exchange the latest information, to meet your business partners and to get easy access to new potential clients.

This top quality congress will focus on:

  • Update on future cars and their impact on recycling
  • Safety aspects of collection and recycling of electric vehicles (cars, trucks, buses, bikes)
  • Benefits of the circular economy for car manufacturers and recyclers
  • Country reports and updates on new laws and regulations regarding take-back quotas
  • Sustainability benefits of automotive recycling
  • Impact of autonomously driving vehicles on car recycling
  • Next-generation recycling processes and equipment
  • Innovations in dismantling, shredding and sorting
  • How to recycle new materials used in future cars
  • Recycling of lithium-ion batteries of hybrid and electric vehicles
  • Reuse & refurbishment – how about data security?
  • Recycling of electric and electronic components

A large exhibition area is integrated into the conference facilities, where vendors meet their clients. Cocktail receptions and a networking dinner create an excellent atmosphere to get in touch with business partners and colleagues.

Furthermore, the congress will offer test drives and interesting plant tours.



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