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2017 Cleantech Revolution Tour (Electric Cars, Solar Energy)

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > 2017 Cleantech Revolution Tour (Electric Cars, Solar Energy)

The Cleantech Revolution Tour is an innovative and informative series of conferences that brings together inspiring and knowledgeable leaders in the cleantech industry.

It is Central Europe’s premier cleantech conference series for EV and solar entrepreneurs, startups, scientists, students, and everyone who loves clean technologies! After half a year, we are coming to Berlin and Wrocław again, but stronger! Tesla shuttles will also transport people from city to city.

This year, we’re preparing much more collaboration and communication! The program includes:

Inspiring speeches
EV test drives
Startup pitches
Networking events

Join revolutionary people and big thinkers for an exciting and relevant conference that brings attention to renewable energy issues amidst the enormous global transition we are sprinting into.

You can find tickets and more information at

… but stay tuned here as well! We are going to present all the speakers, venues, and attractions in the coming weeks here on Facebook!

How was the last Cleantech Revolution Tour conference?

How it is going to be this year? More clean, electric & green!

Special early-bird discount of 30% is available via this link:


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