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4th International Conference on New Business Models

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > 4th International Conference on New Business Models

The aim of NBM @ Berlin 2019 is to discuss the latest developments related to new business models for sustainable entrepreneurship, innovation, and transformation. These facets are necesssary aspects in building the future-fit societies that operate within the means of their ecological foundations as demanded by the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The circular economy provides a clear framework for such an innovative and entrepreneurial transition. As such there is huge potential not only in the domains of entrepreneurship, innovation, and transition studies, but particularly in their intersections, to adopt circular economy principles in tackling ecological and socio-economic challenges.

While the full program is still in development, a keynote by Prof Dr. Nancy Broeken on “Circular business model experiments – exploration of the role of business experiments in wider societal transitions” has already been announced. To be a part of this conference and submit your contribution, click here.



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