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6th European Mediterranean Oil & Gas Summit

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > 6th European Mediterranean Oil & Gas Summit

The European Mediterranean Oil & Gas Summit will discuss the geo-strategic, commercial, technology and regulatory issues that will shape the future of the development and commercialisation of Hydrocarbon transportation, storage, exploration and production assets in the European Mediterranean region. Exploring the political and technical challenges that lie ahead, leading companies, government representatives, and legal  experts will meet to discuss the challenges in energy resource development in region while exploring the latest  innovative technologies and ground-breaking solutions to maximising ROI on hydrocarbon resource management.

The summit will specifically focus on:

  • The New Geo-Strategic Challenges and Investment Possibilities for the Region
  • Where & How Oil & Gas Transiting Through or Originating From the Region will be Processed & Directed
  • Oil & Gas Industry Digitisation & Automation
  • Innovation in Offshore Asset Management Methods and Technology
  • Asset Management, Operational Excellence and Supply Chain Optimisation Systems & Strategies
  • Infrastructure Development for Enabling the Establishment of an LNG Hubs in the Region
  • Production Optimisation and Real Time Monitoring
  • Enhanced and Improved Oil & Gas Discovery and Recovery Methods
  • Inspection, Repair and Maintenance
  • CAPEX / OPEX Management Processes, Systems and Techniques
  • Subsea and Well Intervention
  • Enhanced Integrated Field Development
  • Technologies in Down and Upstream Production
  •  Support Services for Offshore Activities | Standards, Certification & Classification



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