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Africa Wire, Cable & Tube 2019

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > Africa Wire, Cable & Tube 2019

CRU and the Southern Africa-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK), along with the wire & Tube leading global tradeshows as lead sponsor, are proud to announce the inaugural Africa Wire, Cable & Tube Conference, being held 11-13 November in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Africa boasts enormous potential for increased trade in wire, cable, tube and pipe related industries. Market observers have noted that in many African markets the business environment is improving and the implementation of structural reforms is leading to increased business confidence.

This important inaugural event is an opportunity for the local industry and stake holders to meet with the international supply chain, and discuss the main trends impacting the global market and how they can be applied to the opportunities and challenges being faced across the continent.

Key topics to be addressed:

  • Understanding Africa’s wire, cable, tube and pipe production, trade and supply chain
  • The importance of the industry’s reliance on wire, cable, tube and pipe for African development
  • Update on the expected consumption trends in Africa, of high wire and tube consuming industries: Mining; Utilities; Oil & Gas; Construction & Infrastructure
  • Latest global technological advances in wire, cable, tube and pipe manufacturing, and how they can be applied in African operations
  • Key considerations for the global wire, cable, tube and pipe supply chain when considering investing in African operations/distribution



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