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Developing Onshore Wind Farms Summit 2019

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > Developing Onshore Wind Farms Summit 2019

ACI’s Developing Onshore Wind Farms Summit will be taking place in Lille, France on 20-21 November 2019. The two day event will bring together key stakeholders from the wind farm industry, energy producers, developers, solution and technology providers, manufacturers, principal associations and consultants.

With wind energy being one of the world’s fastest growing renewable power sources it is essential to stay updated. Join us in Lille to network with key industry players, discuss the current state of affairs, potential routes to market and the latest technological & strategic innovations.

The Developing Onshore Wind Farms Summit will bring together distinct and influential stakeholders from the value chain. They are going to discuss the latest challenges and developments making an impact on the industry. Join us in Lille for two days of exchanging perspectives, learning and excellent networking opportunities with your peers.

Key Topics

  • Market Overview & Forecast for European Wind Farm Developments
  • Discussing Opportunities for Investment in Subsidy-Free Wind Farm Projects
  • Discussing Viable Routes to Market amidst Regulatory Uncertainty
  • Ensuring Long-Term Profitability and Sustainability of New Potential Sites
  • Facilitating Collaboration between End User & Developer to Increase Wind Energy Integration on the Grid
  • Evaluating the Potential Benefits of Energy Storage for Wind Farm Developers
  • Improving the Lifespan and Production Capacities of Existing Wind Farms
  • Analysing the Feasibility of Developing Wind Farms within Local Communities
  • Is Onshore Still Considered an Eyesore? Capitalising on the Shift in Public Opinion
  • Streamlining Consent & Planning Systems to Encourage Market Growth



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