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E-Mobility Summit 2019

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > E-Mobility Summit 2019

The E-Mobility Summit will provide a platform for EU policy makers, Electric vehicle manufactures, suppliers and citizens to discuss the key challenges preventing some consumers to understanding the benefits of driving an electric vehicle. The Summit will also present the latest technologies and how the e-mobility sector is rapidly becoming more interconnected and autonomous.

The E-Mobility Summit will be held

on Friday 8th March 2019

at the Intercontinental Arena, St. Julians.


The Summit will bring together local and international expert speakers who will share insights and interact with the audience.

The Expo will also give all those who attend access to innovative technologies and the possibility to discover the latest trends in EMobility. Attendees will also have the possibility to meet, discuss and interact with experts and industry professionals present throughout the day.



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