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ETIPWind Workshop

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > ETIPWind Workshop

Exploring the value proposition of wind energy for carbon-intensive industries

The European Technology & Innovation Platform on Wind Energy (ETIPWind) kindly invites you to a workshop that will explore the potential for indirect electrification of non-energy uses (processes and products) in carbon-intensive industries based on wind energy. In particular, large industrial sectors such as refineries or fertilisers where hydrogen has been used for decades, are expected to be key early markets for power-to-hydrogen applications. The objectives of the discussion will be to compare the technical and economic constraints for the production of renewable hydrogen, ammonia or methanol, and to identify regulatory measures that need to be overcome to unlock their potential.

On 28 November 2018 the Commission presented its strategic long-term vision for a carbon-neutral economy by 2050. One of the biggest challenge in meeting this objective lies in the major harder-to-abate sectors such as steel, chemicals or cement industries. In 2016 industrial processes accounted for 17.5% of total greenhouse gas emissions in the EU.



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