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European Utility Week

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > European Utility Week

The event will take place on 12 – 14 November, Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France and will co-locate with POWERGEN Europe (PGE), an event that has established itself as the centre point for the power generation sector.

In 2019, European Utility Week and POWERGEN Europe will combine to offer an end-to-end European energy experience for the whole energy supply chain, under one roof. MORE INFORMATION

The event is a business, innovation, networking and information platform and is seen by the industry as their terrain. They use the event as their annual meeting place to thrash out strategies and do business to help drive efficiencies in meeting their sustainable development goals.

The programme will explore key areas in European energy, including Digitalisation, Commercial & Industrial Energy Users, Energy Markets, Renewables, and innovation.

Together with our Advisory Committee and over 500 speakers expected, we are developing a programme to deliver significant content and warrant meaningful and constructive dialogue across our strategic Summit Programme and in our technical-led Hub Sessions programme, free-to-attend and held on the show floor.



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