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Launch of the EUROBAT “ELECTION MANIFESTO 2019-2024”

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > Launch of the EUROBAT “ELECTION MANIFESTO 2019-2024”

EUROBAT, the Association of European manufacturers of automotive and industrial batteries, has the pleasure to invite you to the presentation of the European battery industry’s « Election Manifesto 2019-2024 ».

We will look ahead towards the next European Parliament and Commission term and debate the policy needs of the European battery industry to keep contributing to jobs, growth and innovation in Europe. Batteries are at the heart of the energy and mobility transition from energy storage to electric vehicles, from communication infrastructure to logistics. Batteries will play a key role in future policy initiatives as regards decarbonisation of transport and energy systems as well sustainability.

Location : Residence Palace, Brussels

Date : Tuesday, February 19th 2019

Registration : 17:30 (beginning 18:00)



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