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SolarPower Summit

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > SolarPower Summit

Europe is back in solar business!

With the agreed EU 32% renewable energy target by 2030 and the end of the solar trade measures, we are on the cusp of a new solar boom in Europe. SolarPower Europe’s latest forecast shows strong market growth in Europe in 2018, with solar demand growing over 60% this year!

The energy landscape in Europe is moving fast, shaped by ever falling technology costs, breakthrough innovations, as well as national and international policy developments. Has the European Union succeeded in bringing its energy transition to the next level, and will it become a global leader in solar again? Will solar energy thrive in a subsidy free era and how can you capture the enormous opportunities that lie ahead?

The SolarPower Summit is SolarPower Europe’s annual flagship event. It takes place for two days and brings together over 300 industry representatives from all major energy players, as well as SMEs and a range of decision makers from across the EU and beyond, and is recognised as one of the most important energy events in Brussels.

Join us on the 6-7th of March to get the latest strategic, political and market intelligence shaping the future of solar in Europe!



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