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Symposium Future of charging 2019

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > Symposium Future of charging 2019

Eindhoven University of Technology, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, AutomotiveNL and NKL – The Netherlands Knowledge Platform for Charging Infrastructure invite researchers, academics, applied researchers and practitioners to a symposium about Applied Research on Charging Infrastructure. Endorsing partners are TKI Urban Energy and e-Mobil BW.

The Future of Charging Symposium 2019 offers a platform to present and discuss scientific insights in market uptake of EV charging. We will explore how to identify and predict the needs of different user groups and how to organize and accommodate the different charging solutions in cities, on the EV-market and in our rapidly developing smart society.

About the Symposium
The Future of Charging Symposium presents the latest scientific insights in understanding and managing variation of needs for different user groups. Future of Charging predicts and evaluates the optimal variation in policy design and charging infrastructure topology to meet the growing variation in charging needs. Challenges around future of charging infrastructure are being presented and discussed. This symposium is organized for the third time and aims to bridge cutting-edge academic research and challenges practitioners in the field; new insights and practical results will be delivered that support the very ambitious roll out of charging infrastructure for electric vehicles until 2030.



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