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The 25 International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > The 25 International Conference & Exhibition on Electricity Distribution

CIRED is the International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution. This series of biennial conferences began in 1971 and we are now at the 25th edition.

CIRED works for the purpose of increasing the business relevant competencies, skills and knowledge of those who see themselves as a part of the electricity distribution community, whether they are from the utility, product, consultancy, service, business or Academic sector.

CIRED is dedicated to the design, construction and operation of public distribution systems and of large installations using electrical energy in industry, services and transport.

CIRED covers :

–   the whole field of Electricity Distribution Systems and associated services, including dispersed and embedded generation issues
–   the technical aspects of Electricity Supply
–   related aspects such as cost reduction, environment, organisation and skills

The technical content of CIRED is mainly based on the 6 sessions the main conferences address:

Session 1: Network Components
Session 2: Power Quality and Electromagnetic Compatibility
Session 3: Operation, Control and Protection
Session 4: Distributed Energy Resources and Active Demand Integration
Session 5: Planning of Power Distribution Systems
Session 6: Challenges of DSO Regulation and Competitive Market

For further information about CIRED, please visit the CIRED website.



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