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WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2019

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > WindEurope Conference & Exhibition 2019

This April, more than 7,000 delegates will gather in Bilbao for Europe’s leading wind energy event.

They will join nearly 300 conference speakers – including the Spanish and Portuguese Ministers for Energy – to learn, network and shape the vision for Europe’s future.

The WindEurope 2019 Conference & Exhibition takes place in advance of the European elections, with wind energy now set to become the EU’s largest power source well before 2030. This is the perfect opportunity to showcase the benefits wind energy brings to people and to shape a united vision for a cleaner, greener Europe.

Why? Because Europe stands at a crossroads. The economic and technological realities of our lives are transforming, and people know the times are changing. It’s clear that the world of tomorrow will not be the world we live in today. The decisions we make now will shape people’s futures. With the current discussions on climate change dramatically raising citizens’ awareness, we need urgent action to decarbonise our energy mix.



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