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Workshop on high efficiency and low-cost drivetrains for electric vehicles

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > Workshop on high efficiency and low-cost drivetrains for electric vehicles

The workshop will present the innovations that are currently being developed by three EU-funded projects under the European Green Vehicles Initiative (EGVI): ModulED, ReFreeDrive and DRIVEMODE.

These projects are expected to deliver an incremental reduction in total motor and power electronics system costs through optimised design for manufacture. A key challenge is to increase the specific torque and specific power of electric motors by 30%, with a 50% increase in maximum operating speed while halving motor losses. In addition, the motors will cost less because of a reduced need for rare earth magnets combined with new designs which have been optimised for lower cost manufacturing processes.

As for power electronics, the projects are expected to deliver a 50% increase in power density, a 50% reduction in losses and the ability to operate with the same cooling liquids and temperatures used for the combustion engine in hybrid configurations.

Participation to this event is free but registration is required (limited seats available).

(Participants in this workshop may also be interested in registering for a Workshop on industrial motors that will take place at the same location in the morning. Feel free to join)

12:15 Welcome lunch (optional)
13h15 Introduction
Michal Klima, European Commission
13:30 ModulED project
Project overview – Jonas Hemsen, IKA
Integration challenges – Patrick Debal, Punch Powertrain
14:15 ReFreeDrive project
Project overview – Javier Romo, Cidaut
Motor designs and manufacturing technologies – Multiple speakers
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 DRIVEMODE project
Project overview – Alexander Smirnov, VTT
Inverter development – Jens Müller, Semikron
Key innovations – Michael Burghardt, AVL
16:15 Wrap-up
Lucie Beaumel, EGVIA
16:30 Adjourn


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