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World Copper Conference 2018

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > World Copper Conference 2018


Attended by miners, smelters and financial institutions, the World Copper Conference is a major gathering of the copper industry. ICA will present a Workshop on Day 1 and host a Panel on Day 3, providing new insights into material demand and substitution.

WORKSHOP DATE: Wednesday, 9 April 2018 | TIME: 14:00–16:00
PANEL DATE: Wednesday, 11 April 2018 | TIME: 12:05–13:10
LOCATION: Sheraton Santiago Hotel and Convention Centre, Santiago, Chile

ICA Workshop: Copper Demand and Substitution

Monday 9 April, 14:00–16:00, Ballroom A, Sheraton Santiago Hotel and Convention Centre

ICA will present the latest information on global substitution, high-tech conductors, opportunities for copper in water and the global flow of brasses in an interactive and focused Workshop.

  • Material Substitution Survey –Paul Dewison, Managing Director, MetalsPlus Research & Consulting.
  • Brasses/Lead Stocks & Flows Model –Dr Luis Tercero, Head of Business Unit Systemic Risks, Fraunhofer Institute.
  • Competing High-Technology Conductors –Richard Collins, Technology Analyst, IDTechEx.
  • Opportunities for Copper in the Global Water Market – Krystyna Dawson, Business Manager, BSRIA WMI.

Moderator: Colin Bennett, Global Manager, Market Analysis and Outreach, International Copper Association Ltd.

ICA Panel: Key Issues Related to Future Copper Demand

Wednesday 11 April, 12:05–13:10, Sheraton Santiago Hotel and Convention Centre

ICA’s expert speakers will introduce their areas of research and open a Panel debate to discuss the following topics:

  • Substitution impact and threats.
  • Brasses flows and restrictive regulation.
  • Competition from high-tech conductors and Graphene.
  • Global opportunities for Copper in water.


  • Krystyna Dawson, Business Manager, BSRIA WMI.
  • Dr Luis Tercero, Head of Business Unit Systemic Risks, Fraunhofer Institute.
  • Paul Dewison, Managing Director, MetalsPlus Research & Consulting.
  • Richard Collins, Technology Analyst, IDTechEx.
  • Specialist industry speakers to be advised. 

Moderator: Colin Bennett, Global Manager, Market Analysis and Outreach, International Copper Association Ltd.


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