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13th Wire & Cable Conference

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > 13th Wire & Cable Conference

We are delighted to announce that CRU’s 13th Wire & Cable Conference will be held on 11-12 June 2019. Attracting over 200 key executives, the conference is well established as the premier meeting place for the world’s cablemakers and the insulated wire and cable supply chain. 

Being in Brussels, the centre for European policy making, the conference will open with presentations that will explore the direction of the EU’s key construction, power and communication projects; and how wire and cable quality controls and standards have been implemented.

Streamed sessions allow for more in-depth discussion on insulated, winding and other specialty wire and cable products produced from copper, aluminium and optical fibre, coatings and the other materials and inputs that impact the bottom line for wire and cable producers, consumers and their supply chain. As with previous years, the conference will take in the perspectives of cablemakers from around the world on the challenges and opportunities that they see in specific regions or specialty products markets.  

CRU’s Wire & Cable Conference offers a mixture of discussions, keynote speeches, workshops, site visits and extensive networking opportunities, the event is a perfect opportunity to meet and learn from key industry stakeholders. In addition to the 12 sessions and 30+ speakers that are packed into a two-day programme, you will benefit from the best opportunity to meet your industry peers and customers from across the wire and cable supply chain during the frequent networking opportunities.

Key reasons to attend:

  • Hear from wire and cable manufacturers and other industry thought leaders from around the world sharing their strategies and market views
  • Gain in-depth insights on emerging market opportunities and regional perspectives on changing trade dynamics
  • Understand the impact on the wire and cable supply chain of power, communication, construction and automotive industry developments
  • Meet with hard-to-reach, senior decision-makers from across the sector
  • Discuss your challenges and share your views with CRU’s industry experts
  • Gain technical insights on the latest wire and cable products and raw materials
  • Meet with leading innovators and experts looking to build partnerships; and improve energy and communication network deployment



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