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18th CRU World Copper Conference

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > 18th CRU World Copper Conference

Nearly 500 senior executives, including the most influential copper market, will convene at this crucial copper industry conference. Delegates and speakers at the 18th CRU World Copper Conference are among the most knowledgeable participants in the industry and an important source of opinion on the myriad issues that could influence the market.

The three-day conference is widely regarded as the leading copper conference and regularly attracts nearly 500 delegates from 40 countries. Our international attendees represent the complete copper value chain from miners, to smelters, traders and end-users.

Themes to be covered in 2019 will include:

  • CEO Panel: Mining pioneers – emerging business models
  • Mining costs are once again rising  – Which technological advances are having the greatest impact on OPEX?
  • Scrap – What impact will Chinese government proposals to ban the import of all forms of imported scrap have on global metals flows and on Chinese consumers? Will this policy stimulate a large and automated scrap recycling sector?
  • Traceability requirements – How will greater traceability and an emphasis on sustainable copper affect prices and market dynamics?
  • The economic footprint of the mining industry extend far beyond the mine mouth – How are governments and policy-makers stimulating domestic industries and identifying international export opportunities for the METS sector?
  • Chinese demand – China’s growth rates remain robust in-spite of its economic transition. What are the key upside and downside risks?
  • From finance, to incentives, to tech metals – exploring the outlook for exploration
  • Green tech – How are forecasts for electric vehicles evolving?
  • Beyond the base case – Copper price under different market scenarios
  • CFO Panel: Financial innovation – emerging mining finance models



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