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8th International Workshop on Electric Motors

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > 8th International Workshop on Electric Motors

The workshop will present a series of technology innovations in the field of electric motors for industrial applications and will provide an update of the regulatory framework.

A new motor efficiency regulation is planned for implementation by January 2021 and the Circular Economy initiative is gaining new momentum. In response to this, new designs and manufacturing techniques are being developed. But these efforts also extend to the operational life of motors: how to get the highest efficiency in use and how to maintain and repair efficiently the existing assets are two questions that will be tackled during the workshop.

This session is the 8th in a series that started in back in 2011, initiated by the European Copper Institute to advocate for better motor energy performance and create a discussion forum between manufacturers, experts and users.

Participation in this event is free but registration is required (limited seats available).

09:00 Introduction
Fernando Nuño, ECI
09:10 New EU motor and drives regulation
Anibal de Almeida, University of Coimbra
09:35 Circular Economy and the repair sector
Thomas Marks, AEMT
09:55 Minimising the porosity of die-cast rotors
David Schmitz, Breuckmann E-Mobility
10:20 Coiltech overview & Coffee Break
10:45 IE4 line-start permanent magnet motor with copper cage
Vincent mallard, Favi
11:05 ​The traction motor design space
Steven Jennings, RheinMetall
11:25 Modern heat extraction methods from e-motors
Mircea Popescu, Motor Design LTD
11:45 Use of digital twins to optimise the efficiency of motor systems
Jos Habets, Sitech
12:05 Wrap-up
Hans de Keulenaer, European Copper Institute
12:15 Adjourn & Lunch
13:15 Workshop on high efficiency and low-cost drivetrains for electric vehicles
(If you plan to join this session, please register here)


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