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Battery Tech 2020

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > Battery Tech 2020

BATTERY TECH 2020 Exhibition and Conference where electric vehicle battery technology innovators will meet with leading automotive manufacturers to explore new battery technologies and battery management systems for use in next generation electric vehicles and hybrid electric vehicles.

The world’s fleet of electric vehicles grew to over 5 million units last year. Within a decade, there will be enough electric cars on the road for every person in California, as global electric vehicle ownership is estimated to reach 40 million units by 2025. China posted the largest electric vehicle growth rates followed by the United States, with electric vehicle sales more than doubling from the previous year.

Spurred by policies that encourage drivers to purchase clean-running cars, the uptake of electric vehicles is still largely driven by the policy environment, as the top 10 leading countries in electric vehicle markets all have a range of policies to promote electric cars with the US, Europe and China being the biggest takers. For China, credits and subsidies will help EVs grow to account for more than a quarter of the car market by 2030. Meanwhile, tightening emissions standards and higher fuel taxes in Europe boost electric vehicles.



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