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Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum

The Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum will present 30 successful projects in six thematic parallel strands of dedicated interactive workshops, featuring:

  • Sustainable energy planning
  • Financing clean urban transport
  • Financing energy efficiency in the public sector
  • Home renovation schemes in cities and regions
  • Financing climate adaptation
  • Innovative financing schemes facilitating the market for climate and sustainable energy finance

Practitioners will provide their concrete experiences in the planning and development of bankable sustainable energy investment and climate adaptation projects, with the aim to stimulate and enable replication by other interested project promoters. The H2020 Energy Efficiency, Smart Cities and Communities and LIFE programmes, as well as the European Investment Bank’s ELENA facility and the European Energy Efficiency Fund (eee-f) will showcase successful projects on planning, as well as financing sustainable energy and climate adaptation projects.

The event is organised by the European Commission’s Directorate-Generals for Energy, Climate Action and the Executive Agency for Small and medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) in collaboration with the Covenant of Mayors.



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