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Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > Euroluce

Euroluce, the International Lighting Exhibition, runs every two years since 1976 and presents the most innovative solutions in the field of light for interiors and exteriors.

With more than 420 of the best exhibitors in the sector, half of which foreign, the International Lighting Exhibition – at its 30th edition – is recognised as the global benchmark lighting exhibition, where technological innovation and design culture take centre stage.

The huge array of goods encompasses the very latest devices for outdoor, indoor and industrial lighting to lighting for shows and events, hospital lighting and special use lighting, home automation and lighting systems, light sources and lighting application software.

Euroluce is not just the meeting place and business venue par excellence, it is also the most avantgarde trade fair in the field of eco-sustainability and energy saving in both the decorative and the lighting technology sectors.



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