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Finance Summit 2019

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > Finance Summit 2019

The future of finance is in a state of uncertainty: the need for economic safeguards, the fallout from Brexit, the Eurozone’s global financial competitiveness and the growing digital revolution spell the need for change in the structures or “wiring” of Europe’s financial architecture.

Is Europe ready to face the next financial crisis? How can the markets or the regulators reduce risk across the Eurozone? Are banks ready for the next generation of digital natives? Will sustainable finance lead to green washing? What should governments and the next European Commission do to rewire the sector?

On February 21, 2019, POLITICO and L’AGEFI are bringing the “Finance Summit” back to Paris for what will be its fourth successful edition. We’ll gather 130+ of industry’s top minds from banking, asset management, insurance and more, together with European policymakers to examine the challenges and opportunities for the financial services sector during the final push to strengthen Europe’s financial architecture before Brexit and the European elections.



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