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World Energy Report & Power Europe 2019

Strona główna > Wszystkie wydarzenia > World Energy Report & Power Europe 2019

Europe’s power system is undergoing the most far-reaching transformation of any in the world. Power transmission, distribution and generation infrastructures are becoming increasingly integrated within market-demand driven and climatic reactive response systems. As a consequence, the electricity  sector is undergoing a dramatic overhaul in terms of the development of key assets and technologies that will enable the transition to new business models and an increasingly distributed energy paradigm.

As Europe’s most exclusive strategic forum for the power utility industry, the Power Europe annually features the European Power Distribution & Transmission Summit (EPD). Here DSO, TSO and power utility representatives, regulators and distribution architects have the opportunity to hear from the most qualified experts bringing the issues to life using the most recent, high profile and relevant case-studies.

For DSOs we examine how to successfully build upon IT and analytics capabilities; merging OT systems; driving real time visibility; the automation and control of networks; and improving asset management through predictive processes. Case studies also feature the integration of small scale distributed generation and electric vehicles with new and flexible approaches and strategic partnerships. For TSOs the focus is on increasing their co-operation with DSOs, balancing their systems, securing their security of supply and evaluating the impact of emerging disruptive technologies on their business models.

Featuring over 60 industry speakers from leading European power utilities, T&D companies, power technology developers and financiers including:The European Commission, RWE, Finnish Energy Market Authority; CEER, ENEL S.p.A, Vattenfall Europe Innovation, TENNET, Elektrilevi, Axpo Italia SpA, ESB Networks, Etela-Savon Energia, CEZ, VERBUND, Smart Energy Demand Coalition, Eurelectric, , ESB ECARS, ESB Innovation, Acciona, Poyry, PGE POLSKA, & many more!



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